Monday, May 6, 2013

Why Am I Pro-Israel?

   Israel is the only sign of hope in the Middle East. Arabs actually have more freedom in the Jewish state, than all the other Arab states. A Palestinian could actually publicly criticize the government on television, and be a free man, the next day. Israel's closest neighbor, the Palestinian Territories, have a lack of freedom. A Palestinian man was once arrested for liking something that went against Abbas, chairman of the PLO. (here are some similar stories:
   I always ask this question: why do people think Zionism is so bad? Zionism simply the belief that Jews deserve their own homeland. That homeland would be Israel, the country that is the same size as a zoo in South Africa! There are dozens, beyond dozens of  Christian and Islamic states. There is only one Jewish state. Why is Israel so important to us? If it isn't for Israel, Jews are at the threat of being annihilated. Just look back at history. We don't want another Holocaust to occur, nor can we deny that another one can happen. World antisemitism continues to rise. Jews in Paris get spat at, just for wearing a kippah! If the rising  antisemitism isn't bad enough in Europe, let me tell you this: living in the United States, one of the safest and most respectful countries towards Jews, I've experienced antisemitism, multiple times. What would our Jewish brothers and sisters of the past want? Check out this raw footage of Jews singing Hatikva (the Israeli anthem) at Bergen-Belsen:
  For me to be pro-Israel, does it mean I agree with every move Israel makes? Absolutely not! It means I believe Israel has the right to exist. Like any other liberal democracy, Israel isn't perfect. Of course all criticism of Israel isn't antisemitism. Then again, when was the last time criticism of Israel was not antisemitic? For example, look at British politician George Galloway. He publicly has said that he won't debate Israelis. That's not antisemitism? Most commonly, how about when anti-Israel protesters say "free Palestine"? That's just another way of saying "kill the Jews". They want the land of Israel, from sea to sea. Again, this would involve the killing of all Jews on so called "occupied land".

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